Preparatory Course for Admission to Government School – Secondary 2


The Preparatory Course is designed to prepare international students to sit for the Admission Exercise for International Students (AEIS) Test to gain admission into a Singapore Government Secondary Schools.

The AEIS Test is conducted by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore. The AEIS Test involves a centralized test on English and Mathematics and is held in September/ October of each year. International students who are successful in the AEIS Test will be assigned by Ministry of Education to join a Singapore Government School in January of the following year.

The Singapore secondary education comprises:

  1. Express Course for secondary school;
  2. Normal (Academic course for secondary school; and
  3. Normal (Technical) course for secondary school.

Express course for secondary school

Express has two programs: O-Level and Integrated. The GCE O-Level Programme is a 4-year course leading to the GCE O-Level examination. The Integrated Programme is a 6-year course leading to the GCE A-Level examination or International Baccalaureate Diploma or NUS High School Diploma. Students in the Integrated Programme do not need to take the GCE O-Level examination in Secondary 4.

Normal (Academic) course for secondary school

Normal (Academic) is a 4-year or 5-year course leading to the GCE N-Level examination in Secondary 4. Some students go on to take the GCE O-Level examination in Secondary 5, and progress to junior college, Millennia Institute, polytechnic or Institute of Technical Education (ITE).

Normal (Technical) course for secondary school

Normal (Technical) is a 4-year course leading to the N(T)-Level examination in Secondary 4. International students who missed or failed the AEIS Test conducted in Sep/Oct may sit for the Supplementary Admission Exercise for International Students (S-AEIS) Test in February / March of the following year. From 2013 onwards, the S-AEIS Test will not cater for Primary 5 and Secondary 3 levels.

Applicants who have taken part in AEIS Test previously and were unsuccessful may apply to take AEIS Test again at the same or higher level, subject to MOE Terms and Conditions.

For updated and accurate information on MOE, please visit their website at


The Preparatory Course is designed to prepare international students to sit for the Admission Exercise for International Students (AEIS) Test for admission into Singapore Government Secondary Schools.

Course Information

Course Structure

The course consists of 2(two) subjects taught accordingly to MOE syllabus:


-Students attending this class will be exposed to MOE Secondary 1 mathematical syllabus preparing them for Secondary 1 AEIS/SAEIS exam.  

The topics covered are Algebra – interpreting simple algebraic statements, simplifying algebraic expressions & solving word problems involving algebraic expressions

Fractions – concept of fraction as division, four operations of fractions, solving word problems involving the four operations & solving word problems involving the four operations

Decimals – four operations of decimals & solving word problems involving 4 operations

Ratio – expressing one quantity as a fraction of another, finding how many times one quantity is as large as another given their ratio & finding the whole/one part when a whole is divided into parts in a given ratio solving word problems involving 2 pairs of ratio.

Upon successful in the Secondary 2 AEIS/SAEIS test, students are placed in a Singapore government schools at Secondary 2 level


-The Secondary 2 English class is in line with the latest syllabus laid down by the Ministry of Education (MOE).  The Secondary 2 class prepares international students for the AEIS/SAEIS exam covering the Secondary 1 English syllabus.  At the end of the programme, students would have built a strong foundation in English, which is of the same level as Singapore government school secondary 2, thus, ensuring that students will be able to fit in their new learning environment.   They will be able to communicate effectively in English as a result of their development in the following areas:

Receptive skills:  Students will be able to listen, read and view critically and with accuracy, understanding functional texts from print to non-print sources. 

Productive skills:  Students will be able to speak, write and present in internationally acceptable English (Standard English) that is grammatical, fluent, mutually intelligible and appropriate for different purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures.

Knowledge about Language:  Students will be able to understand and use internationally acceptable English (Standard English) grammar and vocabulary accurately and appropriately as well as understand how speakers/writers put words together and use language to communicate meaning and achieve impact.  Learning grammar and vocabulary in explicit, engaging and meaningful ways are incorporated into the programme. 

The delivery of modules is subject to change and may not follow the sequence as shown above.

Learning Mode

Classroom lectures

Duration of Course

Full-time: 6 Months

5 sessions per week x 4 hours

​Part-time: 6 Months

5 sessions per week x 2 hours

Manner in which Assessment will be Conducted

External Test conducted by MOE for AEIS and S-AEIS

AEIS:      September or October

S-AEIS:  February or March

Assessment Grading Criteria


Requirements for Graduation

Completion of course

Qualification Award

Examination Result issued by MOE

Manner in which course will be Taught

Lectures, Discussions, interactive lessons, games, and etc

Average Teacher-Student Ratio is 1:40

Please note that the maximum number of students in the classroom is subjected to the maximum allowable seating capacity

Progression Pathway

Admission to Government School (Ministry of Education) at Secondary 2 or Preparatory Course for Admission to Government School – Secondary 3 offered by British Education Centre

Requirements for Enrolment

Minimum entry age: 13-15 years old

Minimum academic requirements: At least Secondary 1 or equivalent

Minimum Language Proficiency: At least Secondary 1 proficiency in English or equivalent


Please contact us for more information

​Course Fee

​Application Fee: $327

Full Time:

Part Time:

Miscellaneous Fees: